Job Juice

Maria unleashed on job strategy

Maria Frey....

Maria, President, CEO & Founder
Executive Consultants of New York, Corp. and ECNY Foundation, Inc.has spent many years unleashing her career strategy expertise on and teaching job seekers effective and successful job search strategy from tackling your resume the right way to learning how to network by making real connections with hiring managers so you can get in front of them. Experience Maria’s, no holds barred, head-on thoughts on the job market and how to jump in with confidence…read her blog and listen to her renowned podcasts and radio talks.

What you'll
find here....

From learning how to network  to creating a one-page resume to attract the eyes of potential employers, our podcasts, radio talks and blogs can give you the juice you need be confident and prepared to go get em’ in the job market. 




What makes this so important...

Finding a job is not just about an overabundance of blind applications over and over again.  You need a strategy and the correct approach to your job seeking with skills like networking and tools like LinkedIn.   Read our Blogs:  Job Juice and ECNY’s Career Pulse or Listen to our Podcasts & Talk Shows to learn and evolve your job search and career development journey.


Opportunity is knocking - believe & be prepared

Transitions can be risky. Whenever you start a new job or have to learn new responsibilities, it can be a nerve wracking and scary time. So when opportunity knocks, here are few things to remember. Have faith in your abilities. If you don’t have faith in yourself, then why would an employer? Know what you do well, and work on your weaknesses. 

Evolutionary change is usually better than revolutionary change. Jumping into something without doing your due diligence is never a good idea. Ask questions, research and be prepared. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Just because something worked before, doesn’t mean it’ll work again – especially in two completely different markets – but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Sometimes you just have to “recalculate” your plan. Remember that it’s all about the numbers. Always have conversations and interviews in the works. Yes, I’m sure you’re thinking that interviews would be better, but don’t discount the power of conversations – they’re just as important and can lead to even better interviews.

possible, impossible, opportunity

Overcome The 'Analysis Paralysis' of Job Search & Business Decision-Making.

Overcome The ‘Analysis Paralysis’ of Job Search & Business Decision-Making.

definition: over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome.

Nobody likes to be wrong. When it comes to making a decision, it’s natural to want to be “right”. And let’s face it – sometimes we have to make a decision based on the information we have, and accept the outcome. But what if you start analyzing a decision, down to its granularity, and you’re now paralyzed by all the information you are trying to navigate? Bottom line, you can keep running through all the information and never arrive to a conclusion, or you can decide to stop, and try something different.

Here are a few strategies that can help you get out of that “analysis paralysis” slump:

Seek Out a Fresh Perspective:
Do you keep going back to the same sources of information, that never lead you to an answer? Well, then try getting information from a new source. Lets face it, sometimes we need a sanity check. Reach out to someone outside of your normal “confidant circle” and listen to what their thoughts are on your situation. People from within a niche outside of your own may be able to see things from a different angle, thus giving you fresh insight.

Take a Break:

Sometime we need a mental break to clear our heads and set our minds back to neutral. Turn off the computer, get out of the house, and just walk away from the issue at hand for while. Often times we really just need to reevaluate what’s happening, and see things a bit more clearly. Whether you are in the midst of a job search, or strategizing your company’s next plan of action, never underestimate the power of a clear mind, and the creativity that can be ignited when we take time to take care of ourselves.

Try Using Reverse Engineering:

Look at your strategy, and using the knowledge gained from that analysis, recreate a duplicate or similar system. By doing this I have often found that a critical step was missing or needed to be re-streamlined. It could be something simple that just puts you back on track, or you may realize that you need to go in a completely different direction. Either way, before you start from scratch, make sure you’re not throwing away valuable insight you accumulated along the way.

Set a Drop Dead Date:
Determine the last possible timeframe by which your decision must be made, or reconsidered for viability. If you’re moving in a direction that is not yielding any results/or the results you desire, you must regroup and either rework your strategy, or move on to something different. Consider whether your decision is realistic and stick to the date you set for yourself. Continuing to move on within a broken process is not doing you any favors. What’s the definition of insanity…?

away, junction, direction

Will or Won't?

Richard Branson – ‘If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!’

This is one of my favorite quotes, and something we truly live by today. When ECNY started, we were strictly a Executive Placement firm, with no desire to work in career coaching, business development or even our Flagship program – The ECNY Job Search Boot Camp. Today, the majority of our business is the latter. Why? Well, someone offered us an opportunity, and we jumped all over it…  

You don’t always have to have all the answers, or pre-existing skill-sets – just the willingness to learn. 

Have you seen job posts that you qualify for 50% of the requirements? Then APPLY for it! A good portion of most job descriptions are wish lists and not absolutely necessary. Having the basic core competencies, fitting in well with preexisting Team members, and being a good cultural fit, are just as important. So apply, reach out for an exploratory call, and GO FOR IT – what’s the worst that can happen?

like, thumb, retro